1.) If you are a new homeowner, or this is your first time visiting the Las Haciendas HOA website, please register as a new user so you can access community related information and site features.
2.) If you had a login to the old/prior Las Haciendas HOA website, your prior login credentials for the previous site will no longer work. Please make sure to create a NEW user account by clicking the “REGISTER NOW” button below.
Thank you!
If you are a homeowner, make sure to create your account so you can access all of the community specific information.
Not a member? Registered homeowner’s can access information that is not available to the general public. Register Here.
New registrations must be approved by the administration office before you can login. Approvals occur every 3 days and you will receive a confirmation email once approved. Note: If you have an urgent need, contact us at elancommunitymgmt@gmail.com and we will be glad to assist you.